Sunday 30 April 2023

unique or odd cultural practices from around the world:

Here are 10 examples of unique or odd cultural practices from around the world:

  1. festival in Malaysia and Singapore, where devotees pierce their bodies with hooks and skewers as a form of sacrifice and devotion to Lord Murugan.

  2. Baby jumping festival in Spain, where men dressed as devils jump over babies lying on mattresses on the streets to ward off evil spirits and bless them with good health.

  3. La Tomatina festival in Spain, where participants engage in a giant tomato fight for fun.

  4. Sati practice in some parts of India, where widows would throw themselves on their husband's funeral pyre as a sacrifice and to show their devotion.

  5. Bullfighting in Spain and other parts of the world, where a bull is fought by a matador in a ring until it is eventually killed.

  6. Scarification among some African tribes, where cuts are made on the skin to create permanent scars as a form of tribal identification and to signify coming of age.

  7. Coffin hanging ceremony in Indonesia, where the dead are placed in coffins and hung from cliffs or rock faces as a form of burial.

  8. Living with the dead in Madagascar, where people exhume the bodies of their ancestors and rewrap them in fresh cloth, then dance with them during a festival.

  9. Kissing the cod in Newfoundland, Canada, where people kiss a codfish as part of a traditional initiation ceremony for newcomers.

  10. Nose flute playing in some Pacific Island cultures, where a flute is played by blowing air through the nostrils instead of the mouth.

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unique or odd cultural practices from around the world:

Here are 10 examples of unique or odd cultural practices from around the world: festival in Malaysia and Singapore, where devotees pierce t...

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